More Than This by Patrick Ness – Book Review


The boy is drowning. He’s fighting for his life, using every last bit of energy to keep his head above water. An incoming wave shoves him against a rock and in an instant, he’s dead.

Shortly after his death the boy wakes up. Thirsty, hungry and tired, but alive. As he discovers this desolate place that holds so many bad memories he starts to understand why he’s here and if this really is the end…

At the beginning of this book I found that I was a bit confused. It was a while before we were given any clues or any hints towards why he was there and where he had woken up, however as the story progressed we learnt much more about the protagonist and his backstory. As for the plot, I had a theory which was proved wrong. I like it when the author twists the ending and it is something you would have never expected because it is so much more exciting and really shows the author’s talent in only giving away the secret towards the end of the book.

The characters were really believable and you could get a very good sense of what they are like just from reading about how they acted towards others instead of just being told what their characteristics were and what they looked like. I wanted to hear more from some of the characters and for them to be included a bit more – they seemed like normal people who you could relate to.

I struggled to find a category to put this book in because it it combines some of the best elements of young adult fiction and I couldn’t choose just one. It has got a small bit of romance, action and some sci-fi  parts in it that blend well together to make it a compelling and thought-provoking book that you should definitely read.

I’m hoping to get a signed copy of his next book, The Rest of Us Just Live here. More about that on my Instagram and Facebook!

Star rating: 4.5/5

2 thoughts on “More Than This by Patrick Ness – Book Review

  1. Alan September 9, 2015 / 9:49 pm

    A very articulate review – I hope you get your signed copy!


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